September 2022 at ECA
You—our donors and customers—are the sole source of the funds we receive at ECA. We are proud to inform you that for the first time since 2020, ECA is resuming grant funding cycles and implementing revised eligibility standards for the nonprofit programs we support.
Grant funds will now be awarded twice a year (rather than quarterly). The first new round will be awarded by December 31, 2022 and the second round awarded by June 30, 2023.
During the pause introduced by the COVID pandemic, ECA reevaluated our funding criteria. Our organization’s mission is to address housing, hunger, and mental health in East King County and we will only consider grant funds for programs or projects that directly and clearly align with that mission.
Similarly, because ECA has a 40 year history as a small, grassroots organization, we are choosing to focus our grant funding on similar small organizations where our dollars can have a bigger impact. We plan to explore the ways we partner with grant recipients to expand how our organizations support one another.
If you are part of a local nonprofit who fits these descriptions, please consider reaching out to see if we might be able to collaborate.
Thanks for your continued generosity. We are striving to put it to its highest and best use.